
Simplifying Healthy Choices

As one of the prominent Savannah Vending Companies, we recognize our role in promoting healthy eating and living. Our healthy vending program offers fresh, nutritious snacking options, with machines stocked exclusively with 100% healthy and organic snacks. FitPick® is a distinguished vending and self-pay market program designed to assist employers and consumers in selecting products that adhere to established nutrition standards. Its straightforward guidelines provide clear criteria for calories, fat, sugar, and sodium, making it an ideal choice for both employers and consumers.

Our membership in NAMA, the leading professional organization for vending companies, enables us to provide our customers with the nationally acclaimed “Fit Pick” healthy vending machine program. This initiative showcases a selection of snacks, beverages, and foods that conform to rigorous standards on calories, fat, sugar, and sodium, helping customers make healthier choices.

Attractive Labels Simplify Making Informed Decisions

Whether opting for a fully branded machine or incorporating healthier options into existing ones, FitPick® stands out effortlessly.

Fit Pick® employs eye-catching stickers to mark the vending machine slots filled with Fit Pick® approved snacks. More prominent clings and stickers offer detailed insights into the Fit Pick™ nutritional standards.

Fit Pick® labels distinguish between two sets of nutritional guidelines. The most popular adult criteria is the 35-10-35 standard (max 35% calories from fat, max 10% from saturated fat, and max 35% product weight from sugar). Additionally, Fit Pick® provides labels for items meeting The Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s Competitive Foods Guidelines.
Fit Pick®’s consistent labeling system is recognized across communities, counties, and states nationwide, enabling offices in different locations to implement the same program seamlessly.

Our aim is to supply straightforward yet crucial nutritional information at the point of sale, empowering consumers to make healthier snack choices informed by clear, “better for you” guidelines.

Extensive Variety of Healthy Snack Options.

FitPick® simplifies healthy snacking by clearly identifying “better for you” options, boasting nearly 700 tasty FitPick® approved products. This program effortlessly guides customers in choosing healthier items from vending machines, removing any guesswork and streamlining the selection and purchase process.

Health & Wellness Program

The FitPick® program recognizes the importance of functional foods,
acknowledging that snacks are often equivalent to meals.

VendVue is revolutionizing workplace vending by dedicating ourselves to comprehensively understanding our clients’ wellness goals and needs. While traditional vending machines offer up to 45 diverse products, including popular “pleasure foods” like candy bars, chips, and soft drinks, there’s a rising demand for healthier options. This shift towards health consciousness among consumers and organizations has inspired us to offer tailored solutions. We’re delighted to collaborate with our clients through the personalized Fit Pick® program, catering to their wellness requirements with a variety of healthy alternatives.

Here are the Top Ten Smart Snacking Tips to keep you energized and satisfied all day:

  1. Regular Snacking: Refuel your body with snacks several times a day to stay energized and content.
  2. Fiber and Protein Focus: Opt for cereal or granola bars with protein and fiber for longer-lasting fullness.
  3. Healthy Crunch: Satisfy mid-day cravings with low-fat, low-calorie options like pretzels or baked chips.
  4. Nutrient-Rich Choices: Choose pre-packaged fruits, vegetables, and salads for their high nutritional value, convenience, and great taste.
  5. Protein and Calcium: For a healthy boost, grab low-fat milk or yogurt.
  6. Moderate Sweet Treats: Enjoy sweet treats in moderation without completely cutting them out.
  7. Smart Cookie Alternatives: Animal crackers, fig bars, pop tarts, or graham crackers are lower-fat cookie options. Pair them with low-fat milk for added protein.
  8. Nuts for Nuts: Pick a pack of peanuts, almonds, or your favorite nuts for a blend of protein and fiber.
  9. Stay Hydrated: Sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger, so keep water close at hand.
  10. Balanced Snacking: Remember, variety, balance, and moderation are key to smart snacking.

Unmatched Expertise in Savannah Vending Services!

We are your go-to provider for vending machines, micro-markets, office coffee and water coolers throughout Savannah!

15,000+ Vending Machines

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